Serenity Prayer

Serenity Prayer

Friday, November 19, 2010


Great Website to look at for biblical information about certain issues, they take scripture and use it to defend their faith. We as Christians should do the same thing because it is what our savior has called us to do.

Historical Jesus

Read this its sad that people believe this but yet it can lead us to persuade people to the truth of Jesus Christ.

Christianity and Government

Great website that proves that this nation was meant to be (by our founding fathers) a christian nation! Great Quotes! When I read these I was amazed. Its worth the time to think about how much our nation is turning away from biblical ways and turning to cultural norms. How can we as followers of Christ change this?
What does the bible say about Government?

Great Website!

Check out this website it gives a lot of information about what other people think about Christianity and Politics. It gives us an apologetic way of pointing people to the truth. Its a great blog site. Check it out!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christianity and Politics

We as Christians should be able to refute unbiblical ideas about politics have you ever noticed how our government is quickly moving away from what the bible says. Meaning if you look at issues like gay marriage when they go to court its always about right to privacy. We know as Christians thats an abonimation and a sin againist God. We need to recognize this and be able to refute this as Christians. We know the truth now we just need to find a biblical way of presenting this to people. Its not just because its right its because when we are doing this its pointing people to the truth and to the miracles of Jesus Christ.